If you’ve been following our SHATTER Kickstarter campaign, you probably noticed that we didn’t even break 50% funded. But don’t despair! We’re looking into other avenues to finish the audio work and bring this film to life. It might take us a little bit longer and we might attempt another campaign in the future, but we’re not giving up yet! It’s hard with a team of 2 to make big things happen, but we’re getting there. We should have some more news within the next few months as we strategize a new plan to get this project launched.

I personally want to give a huge shout out to everyone who contributed! Thank you so much for supporting our hard work and helping spread the word. We’re doing our best to make sure that your effort pays off, even without the funding. We’re humbled to say that we met some amazing people during our promotional efforts, and we hope to stay connected as we move into future project. So thanks again for everyone who pitched in and we hope to see you back here soon. Stay tuned!

View the SHATTER Website