Sometimes the evil inside gets out…

Synopsis: After a vivid nightmare Tim wakes up to find the evil inside his body has seeped out and is lying next to him in bed. Now evil free, all he needs to do is get his best friend to follow him to where he buried it, so he can prove that he’s a new man.

Back-notes: The idea for this short film is actually based on a dream. The main concept explores a character that has been wrestling with the evil inside him since he was a child. Slowly, the evil has been weakening the good until one day the good shrivels up and the evil suddenly comes out. In that, we were able to play around a bit with our common perceptions of good and evil, and what we thought that might look like. We definitely hit some snags with a few lights dying while we were filming out in the middle of the woods under a pitch black sky, but in the end, I think it came together pretty well.

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